Professor Amar Comments for CBS This Morning on Ballot Initiative to Split State

Vikram Amar, Associate Dean and Professor of Law at UC Davis School of Law, commented on a proposed ballot initiative that would split California into six separate states for a report on CBS network news program This Morning. Though the proponents claim the initiative offers Californians the potential for more representatives in Congress and smaller, more responsive state governments, the measure, while worth considering, has some potential downsides as well, Amar said.

"We might be exacerbating the gap between the wealthy and the less wealthy by separating some of the less wealthy parts of the state into separate states altogether," said Amar.

Vikram Amar, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor of Law with the UC Davis School of Law, is a national authority in the fields of constitutional law, civil procedure, criminal procedure, and remedies. His biweekly column for, a leading provider of online legal information, centers on his expertise in constitutional law.

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