2025-2026 Events
To be announced...
Past Events
Full Belly Farm Visit
Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024
Small Farmer Clinic will take a field trip to Full Belly Farm in Capay Valley. Full Belly Farm is a 400-acre certified organic farm and is owned by local owners. The farm employs about 80 persons and produces an amazing diversity of vegetables, herbs, nuts, flows, and fruits. The Clinic will meet with Judith Redmond, the owner of the farm and get a tour of the grounds.

Center for Land Based Learning (CLBL) Visit
Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024
Students will take a field trip to the Center of Land Based Learning (CLBL) in Woodland. CLBL is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing food insecurity by training farmers how to grow crops and making food available to low-income neighborhoods, senior centers, and rural communities. The Small Farmer Clinic will meet with representatives of the CLBL and get a tour of the grounds.

Glide Ranch Visit/Home of CAFF
Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024
In September, the Small Farmer Clinic class will take a field trip to the historic Glide Ranch in Davis, California. The Glide family created a charitable trust for the ranch for the benefit of animal protection, including for rescue animals. The Small Farmer Clinic will meet representatives of the Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF). Created in 1978, CAFF is a nonprofit dedicated to promoting sustainable farming systems and advocating for small farmers and rural communities.