Welcome to Admissions Transfer Information

UC Davis School of Law is pleased to welcome applications for transfer. Continue reading this transfer student guide to learn more. 

Each year, we admit a small number of exceptional transfer students with proven records of achievement. These UC Davis Law transfer students go on to experience extraordinary success in their legal careers. In recent years, transfer students have come from law schools across the country.

Students who transfer to UC Davis School of Law find a wealth of opportunities to become involved in Trial Advocacy, Moot Court, and student-run journals including the UC Davis Law Review.

Transfer students who graduate from UC Davis School of Law report outstanding career success. The Law School seeks to provide transfer students with every career opportunity afforded to students who entered King Hall as a 1L. "Transfer students have an excellent track record of obtaining positions at top law firms," said Craig Compton, Assistant Dean of Career Services. "Others go on to great success in public interest work or prestigious government positions."

Admission as a Transfer

Applicants who have completed at least one full-time year of work in another American Bar Association approved law school may be admitted to advanced standing with credit for not more than one year of such work. Those applicants who demonstrate high academic performance during the fall semester may receive offers of admission prior to completion of the first year of law school studies. Those offered early admission must complete the full first year in the top one-third of the class or we may reconsider the offer of admission. Transfers are considered for admission in Fall semester only. If a student has earned more than 31 units, those additional units will not be credited toward the Juris Doctor degree at UC Davis Law School.

We begin accepting applications for transfer admission on (generally) January 1 and the deadline to apply is (generally) June 30 of the year in which admission is sought.

Learn More

Prospective transfer students wishing to speak with an admissions officer in person or over the phone should email Joe Schneider, Director of Admission and Outreach, at jeschneider@ucdavis.edu. One-hour Zoom information sessions are also offered during the spring. Please see How to Apply for dates, times, and registration links. You can also see Visiting King Hall for more ways to interact with King Hall.

Admission as a Visiting Student

Each year a small number of non-matriculant, or visiting, students may be admitted on a space-available basis. Only students currently enrolled in an American Bar Association approved law school will be considered for visitor status. Visitors may not enroll in clinical program courses or Law Review. Visitors pay fees to the school they are visiting. For additional information about the application process for visiting students, please see our FAQs and How to Apply pages. Applications for visiting student admission are accepted (generally) November 1 - December 1 (for spring semester study) and April 15 - July 15 (for fall semester or full academic year study).