The Aoki Center is committed to an interdisciplinary approach to legal study. Each semester, the Aoki Center invites scholars from across the UC Davis Campus to come share their research and critical perspectives with King Hall's students and faculty.

Erica Kohl-Arenas,
Director of Imagining America, Associate Professor of American Studies

Michael V. Singh,
Assistant Professor, Chicano/a Studies

Lawrence Winn,
Academic Administrator, Co-Director of Transformative Justice in Education Center (TJE)
The Aoki Center also partners with community organizations and networks who share our mission of advancing racial justice!

Race and Law Centers Network
A network of CRT centers housed in law schools across the country supporting one another and collaborating on efforts.

Ethnic Studies YOLO Academy
Their purpose is to help develop leadership skills and the use of art expression to strengthen voice and increase civic engagement for the wellness of Native/BIPOC youth, educators, families, and communities.