Outreach Alumni Advising
Pre-law advising, including timeline and strategy advising, personal statement and resume review, is available for Outreach Program participants and alumni. For advising, please contact the Outreach Program staff at 530-752-6477 or email to outreach@law.ucdavis.edu for an appointment and instructions. You may also take advantage of drop-in advising days and workshops during the year. Specific advising and workshop dates will be emailed to eligible participants and alumni and posted within the Facebook groups. The KHOP Facebook group is open to outreach program alumni only and it is great for keeping up to date on scholarship and internship opportunities, and alumni networking. Participants and alumni can continue to show their support by contributing to the UC Davis School of Law Outreach Programs Facebook page.
UC Davis Pre-Law Advising
UC Davis undergraduate students and alumni receive pre-law advising through the Office of Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Services located in South Hall. For an appointment with a UC Davis pre-law advisor, please call 530-752-4475. For more information please visit: https://opportunity.ucdavis.edu/services/pregradlaw/law.
Prospective & Current King Hall Applicants
If you are applying or are considering applying to King Hall, please contact our Admissions Office at 530-752-6477 with any questions you have about our JD program and the application process. Attending our Open House for Prospective Applicants in the Fall semester is a great way to visit King Hall and learn about the application process, financial aid, our programs, and services. You may also arrange to visit a class and take a tour. Visit our JD Admission page to view our catalog and determine when a King Hall representative will be in your area. If you are a current JD applicant, you can monitor the progress of your application via the Status Check Website.
Online Resources
If you are unsure if a career in law is right for you, would like to research law schools, and want to learn about the law school application process below are numerous websites with free resources.
- Law School Admission Council (LSAC) You will use this website to register for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and ultimately apply to law schools. LSAC is the official source for LSAT preparation materials.
- NOTE: LSAC offers a Fee Waiver Program for its LSAT and CAS registration fees, which also includes a free LSAT prep book and four CAS report fee waivers.
- DiscoverLaw.org Videos and information about careers in law and how to prepare for law school. Sponsors pre-law programs nation-wide.
- American Bar Association (ABA) Pre-Law Resources Descriptions of core skills and values recommended to develop prior to law school.
- ABA-LSAC Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools Law school applicant/enrollment statistics, GPA/LSAT percentiles, and cost of attendance. Compare your GPA/LSAT to the medians of the law schools to which you plan to apply.
- AccessLex Diversity Pipeline Program Directory Search for pre-law programs in your area based on your needs and interests.
- ABA Law School Required Disclosures Includes reports on individual schools' enrollment, financial aid, admission, employment (by geographic location, firm size and type of employment of recent alumni), and bar passage information.
- MAX Pre-Law by AccessLex is a suite of free resources for aspiring law students, including application checklists, lessons, guides and financial aid counseling.
- NALP's Pre-Law Portal General descriptions of what to expect as a lawyer in various fields and environments and legal employment market information.
- UC Davis Internship and Career Center Career areas of study ideas for those considering law.
- UC Davis School of Law Outreach Office Facebook page will help alert you to outreach program and pre-law deadlines and upcoming events at King Hall.
Law School Admission Test (LSAT) Study Resources

The Law School Admission Council, in collaboration with Khan Academy Online Learning, offers free online LSAT preparation course. The course offers a customized practice plan based upon your strengths and weaknesses and includes access to thousands of official practice questions from real LSAT tests. LSAC also offers a Fee Waiver Program for applicants who cannot afford the LSAT registration fee due to extreme financial hardship.
Financial Aid & Scholarship Resources
Once you decide that law school is in your future, begin to consider how you will pay for your education. Financial aid and scholarships are available for law school! The most common financial aid application law schools use to determine your aid packages is the FAFSA. The FAFSA is also required to borrow low interest federal student loans with flexible repayment terms. Remember to check specific requirements and deadlines for each school to which you apply.
- Public Scholarship Listing Check out the extensive list of scholarships for pre-law and current law students compiled by the UC Davis School of Law Financial Aid Office.
- Federal Student Aid Learn more about the types of aid that are available to students.
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) It is likely you are familiar with this process as many students complete this each year of college. It is free to submit this application.
- UC California Dream Act Provided by the University of California, provides useful resources about the California Dream Act, which affords certain CA undocumented students financial assistance (loans, institutional aid) and eligibility for in-state tuition at CA public schools.